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Forecasting of DCA prediction accuracy
This page includes information about our studies on the forecasting of DCA contact prediction accuracy. The studies were published in article with reference given in the
How to cite section below.
Download - all data used to train models including files with: PDB, DSSP, MSA, DCA results, PSICOV results, and calculated parameters. The list of all domains is also included. - all data used to test models including files with: PDB, MSA, DCA results, PSICOV results, ACCpro results, SSpro results, and calculated parameters. The list of all chains is also included. - all models built with R scripts on the data from - documented Java scripts used to calculate parameters which are later used by models to predict PPV of DCA. - documented R scripts used to train and test models which are trained or tested on parameters calculated with Java scripts.
How to cite
If you used our data please cite:
Wozniak PP, Konopka BM, Xu J, Vriend G, Kotulska M,
Forecasting residue-residue contact prediction accuracy ,
Bioinformatics , 2017 Jun (article accepted for publication), doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx416